wrapper class in java examples and sample program

Wrapper class in Java

            If we use primitive data types in java programs that is not a fully object oriented, so introduced wrapper classes in java. The wrapper class mechanism is converting primitive type to object and object type to primitive type. The java.lang package is a wrapper class in java.
The eight wrapper classes are,

Boolean                        ------            boolean
Character                     -------           char
Byte                             -------           byte
Short                            -------           short
Integer                         -------           int
Long                            -------           long
Float                            -------           float
Double                         -------           double

            If we converting primitive data type to object is called as auto-boxing.
            int x=5;
            Integer ob = new Integer(x);

            Converting reference to primitive data type is known as auto-unboxing.
            Integer ob = new Integer(x);
            int x=5;

Sample program:

public class BoxingVariables {

     public static void main(String []args){
            int x=5;
            Integer ob = new Integer(x);        //converting int to Integer
            Integer a=new Integer(15);   
    int i=a.intValue();                 //converting Integer to int 


Interview Questions:

Explain about Wrapper classes in Java?
What is Auto-boxing in java?
What is Auto-unboxing in java?
Write a sample program to convert the reference to an object?
 List out all the wrapper classes in Java?
Why we are using Wrapper classes?
In which package wrapper classes are present? 
